Activities & Interests

Posted on Jan 6, 2024

« Curriculum Vitae


Special Collections Archive for Rare and Antique Texts

March – May 2021
Archival Assistant
Fudan Liberal Arts Library, Shanghai, China
  • Organized special ancient text collections, cataloging details like article titles, authors, publication years, issues, and journal numbers into the library’s database

Gongqing Forest Park Autumn Outing

November 2020
Event Planning Coordinator
Cultural Exchange Club of China and German-Speaking Countries, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
  • Participated in planning the club’s 2020 Autumn Outing at Gongqing Forest Park, emphasizing an orderly workflow and the arrangement of diverse activities

Halloween Party for International Engagement and Cultural Exchange

October – November 2019
Event Organizing Personnel
Cultural Exchange Club of China and German-Speaking Countries, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
  • Contributed to organizing the club’s 2019 Halloween Party, fostering international engagement and cultural exchange environment


  • Music enthusiast with a passion for Post-Rock, Electronic, and Rock, fond of artists like Sigur Rós, Ólafur Arnalds, and Novo Amor
  • Avid movie buff, with a particular interest in science fiction, romantic drama, and psychological drama
  • Keen reader, balancing a diverse range of fiction and non-fiction to continually expand knowledge and perspectives