
Posted on Dec 6, 2023

« Curriculum Vitae

Lambda Calculus Interpreter

November 2022 – June 2023
Software Developer, built an interpreter for Lambda Calculus introduced by Alonzo Church
Fudan University, Shanghai, China
  • Developed a lexer with Flex to facilitate the lexical tokenization of all terms in a simple Lambda Calculus system
  • Built reduction driver for applying function to arguments with reduced and conflict-free syntax analytical rules in Bison
  • Optimized beta-reduction using a normal-order reduction strategy in an object-oriented model, implemented in C++
  • Integrated with LLVM tool chain to support interpretation of C++ pure functions through custom attribute and Rewriter API

Fortran to C++ Translator

April – December 2022
Software Developer, developed on an open-source project CFortranTranslator
Fudan University, Shanghai, China
  • Enhanced a lexer using Finite State Automata in C++ to incorporate missing Fortran syntaxes, including line continuation and pointers
  • Completed the syntactic parsing and C++ code generation to include additional Fortran statements, such as USE and FORMAT
  • Extended the existing tool by designing and implementing functionality for translating the Module program unit in Fortran, utilizing YACC rules and C++ production operations
  • Authored detailed development documentation to communicate requirements from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Library Management System

March – June 2021
Software Developer, a library information management system using Spring Boot
Fudan University, Shanghai, China
  • Implemented a reliable, robust, and secure authentication filter chain in the Spring Security framework, integrating JSON Web Tokens for enhanced security
  • Refactored the project architecture into microservices, focusing on decoupling and modularization in both system and API design, which resulted in a threefold increase in throughput
  • Configured and deployed the application on scalable cloud servers, employing Docker Image and Docker Compose to streamline deployment with a unified configuration file
  • Utilized the Eureka module in Spring Cloud to facilitate load balancing and automatic service discovery for scalable microservices
  • Collaborated with team members through weekly meetings, RESTful API design and requirement documentation, and pair programming


June 2022
Developed a minimal distributed database conforming with the Zab protocol.
  • Implemented Discovery, Synchronization, and Broadcast phases in the Zab protocol
  • Developed Heartbeat and Election mechanisms to achieve recovery from failure

Single Cycle Processor using Chisel3

April – May 2022
Designed a single-cycle processor supporting RISC-V RV32I.

Unix Shell

May 2022
Built a tiny shell on top of UNIX system call interface with built-in commands, IO redirection, pipe, and environment variables.

Lottery Predictive Model in Hidden Markov Model

December 2021
Implemented the Baum–Welch algorithm to learn parameters from history of lottery numbers.

Age Classifier by Voice

May 2021
Constructed a classifier built on composite RNNs.
  • Preprocessed and feature engineered on audio samples from common voice dataset
  • Built models composed of different RNNs and compare their respective performances

Huffman Compression Program

September – November 2020
Built a program to compress directories and/or files with wide-ranging sizes and types using Huffman coding.